Posted by 22/10/2019 0 Comment(s) Industry Information,

How does the garment factory mobilize the enthusiasm of employees? Every enterprise in each industry has its own characteristics. The characteristics of the foreign trade clothing industry are most notably:

  • Employees are generally not well educated

  • There is a large variance in the age of employees

  • There are more female workers than male

  • It is repetitive work, and the more experienced and skilled workers are able to work faster

In order to arouse the initiative and enthusiasm of employees, it is necessary to motivate them. Establishing an effective incentive mechanism is an important way to improve employees' enthusiasm and initiative, which mainly includes the following aspects:

  1. Salary
    Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the first needs of our life, as well as the foundation of our survival, and the initial motivation for us to work in garment factories. Therefore, if circumstances permit, we suggest that each garment factory should offer a generous salary. Of course, the salary needs to do its best to achieve internal fairness and justice, and it is consistent with the external market salary level, and cannot make employees feel dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction of any employee will directly affect the enthusiasm of his work, the phenomenon of negative absenteeism and even the loss of turnover, which will affect the quality and efficiency of garments in the factory.

  2. Motivational systems.
    Reward and punishment system: If you do well, you must be rewarded, in order to play a role as a model, in order to make employees more motivated. Of course, if you do not do well, you need to be punished in order to make employees be careful.
    Competition mechanism: Competition is another magic weapon to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. It is recommended that each garment factory must establish a model team. It is also possible to set up some positions within the team to allow colleagues to manage themselves. The position can be active, forming an atmosphere that can be savvy, helping to motivate employees and make the factory richer.
    Goal motivation: The goal can be seen as a reward for a person or team to accomplish or achieve a task. Of course, the goal cannot be set too low, otherwise it can be done too easily.


  3. Emotional Stimulation
    People have feelings. Everyone knows that, and talking can solve a lot of problems that stem from emotions. Even when money cant solve the problem, often conversation can.  For feelings and emotional incentives, talking is quite important.
    Emotions include personal thoughts, life needs, security, and a sense of belonging in the factory. For example, the communication and cooperation among employees, harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates, common interests, etc. The sense of belonging of employees is the basic condition for the formation of cohesion in garment factories.
    Respect plays a large part in emotional stimulation of employees also. Respect and incentive: we need leaders and managers of garment factories to attach importance to employees' feelings. If we do not respect employees, it will greatly discourage their enthusiasm

  4. Excellent corporate culture
    Every garment factory can't think that it is too small to worry about company culture. We say that all garment factories must have their own culture. We should consciously strengthen the human resources management by establishing common values and professional ethics, thus unifying the thoughts of employees. To make people work toward the same goal and push the enterprise forward. To create an excellent corporate culture is to enable manufacturers to establish a "people-oriented" thinking, so that employees can establish a sense of responsibility, so that everyone can spontaneously work in a garment factory like at home.

  5. Employees need to be allowed to make mistakes
    Some of the daily work of employees in garment factories is repetitive, however employees often complete new tasks as well.  Some employees are uncertain of how to do these tasks, but of course we cannot expect employees to always succeed.  But as managers and leaders of clothing manufacturing factories require that our employees make zero mistakes that can make timid and afraid to attempt new tasks, scared to ask for further instructions, and can eliminate any enthusiasm and drive they had for their job. Therefore, as managers, employees should be encouraged to take rational risks, to innovate, to seize business opportunities, and should be allowed to fail. When a subordinate takes the risk of making a common mistake, he should not take too much responsibility. When a venture succeeds, be sure to appreciate it and reward it accordingly.

  6. Encourage employees to compete reasonably
    In small and medium-sized clothing enterprises, there should be competition among employees, but the competition can be divided into fair competition and unfair competition. Fair competition means using proper means or positive ways to keep up with the competition. Unfair competition is to use unfair means to restrict, suppress or strike competitors. As a clothing factory manager, we need to take timely measures to prevent unfair competition and promote fair competition.

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